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Buildmeister process


  • Buildmeister rotates every 2 weeks
  • To see who is the Buildmeister now refer to Buildmeister gsheet
  • Each rotation should be confirmed by a 'handshake' between the outgoing Buildmeister and the new one in the related Telegram chat
  • Buildmeister is responsible for:
  • Pushing team members to fix broken tests
  • Conducting post-mortem analysis
    • Why did the break happen?
    • What can we avoid the problem, especially through process and automation
  • Testing workflows are available via github actions:
  • Testing workflows that need to be checked:
  • Refer to .github dir in the repo for update schedule of GH actions
  • Additional information about the tests and gdoc

Notification system

  • @CK_cmamp_buildbot notifies the team about breaks via Telegram channel CK build notifications
  • A notification contains:
  • Failing tests type: fast/slow/super-slow
  • Repo
  • Branch
  • Event
  • Link to a failing run

Example: - Alt Text

Buildmeister instructions

  • You receive a break notification from @CK_cmamp_buildbot
  • Have a look at the message
  • Do it right away, this is always your highest priority task
  • Notify the team

  • Post on the CK build notifications Telegram channel what tests broke, e.g.,
    FAILED knowledge_graph/vendors/test/

  • If unsure about the cause of failure (chance that failure is temporary):
    • Do a quick run locally for failed test
    • If test is specific and can not be run locally, rerun the regressions
  • Ask if somebody knows what is the problem
    • If you know who is in charge of that test (you can use git blame) ask directly
  • If the offender says that it's fixing the bug right away, let him / her do it
  • Otherwise file a bug to track the issue

  • File an Issue in GH / ZH to report the failing tests and the errors

  • Example:
  • Issue title template Build fail - {repo} {test type} ({run number})
    • Example: Build fail - Cmamp fast_tests (1442077107)
  • Paste the URL of the failing run
  • Provide as much information as possible to give an understanding of the problem
  • List all the tests with FAILED status in a github run, e.g.,
        FAILED knowledge_graph/vendors/test/
        FAILED knowledge_graph/vendors/nbsc/test/
  • Stack trace or part of it (if it's too large)
        Traceback (most recent call last): File
        "/.../automl/hypotheses/test/test*", line 104, in test1
        kg_metadata, * = p1ut.load_release(version="0.5.2") File
        "/.../knowledge_graph/vendors/", line 53, in load_release % version,
        File "/.../amp/helpers/", line 335, in dassert_dir_exists \_dfatal(txt,
        msg, \*args) File "/.../amp/helpers/", line 97, in \_dfatal
        dfatal(dfatal_txt) File "/.../amp/helpers/", line 48, in dfatal raise
        assertion_type(ret) AssertionError:
        * Failed assertion * dir='/fsx/research/data/kg/releases/timeseries_db/v0.5.2'
        doesn't exist or it's not a dir The requested version 0.5.2 has no directory
        associated with it.
  • Add the issue to the BUILD - Breaks Epic so that we can track it
  • If the failures are not connected to each other, file separate issues for each of the potential root cause
  • Keep issues grouped according to the codebase organization

  • Post the issue reference on Telegram channel CK build notifications

  • You can quickly discuss there who will take care of the broken tests, assign that person
  • You can use git blame to see who wrote the test
  • Otherwise, assign it to the person who can reroute

  • Our policy is "fix it or revert"

  • The build needs to go back to green within 1 hr

    • Either the person responsible for the break fixes the bug within 1 hour
    • Or you need to push the responsible person to disable the test
    • Do not make the decision about disabling the test yourself!
    • First, check with the responsible person, and if he / she is ok with disabling, do it
    • NB! Disabling the test is not the first choice, it's a measure of last resort!
  • Regularly check issues that belong to the Epic BUILD - Breaks.

  • You have to update the break issues if the problem was solved or partially solved.
  • Pay special attention to the failures which resulted in disabling tests

  • When your time of the Buildmeister duties is over, confirm the rotation with the next responsible person in the related Telegram chat.

update_amp_submodule fails

  • When this happens, the first thing to do is attempt to update the amp pointer manually

  • Instructions:

        > cd src/dev_tools1 
        > git checkout master 
        > git pull --recurse-submodules 
        > cd amp 
        > git checkout master 
        > git pull origin master 
        > cd .. 
        > git add "amp" 
        > git commit -m "Update amp pointer"

There is also an invoke target git_roll_amp_forward that does an equivalent operation

Post-mortem analysis (TBD)

  • We want to understand on why builds are broken so that we can improve the system to make it more robust
  • In order to do that, we need to understand the failure modes of the system
  • For this reason we keep a log of all the issues and what was the root cause

  • After each break fill the Buildmeister spreadsheet sheet "Post-mortem breaks analysis"

  • Date column:

  • Enter the date when the break took place
  • Keep the bug ordered in reverse chronological order (i.e., most recent dates first)

  • Repo column:

  • Specify the repo where break occurred

    • amp
    • ...
  • Test type column:

  • Specify the type of the failing tests

    • Fast
    • Slow
    • Super-slow
  • Link column:

  • Provide a link to a failing run

  • Reason column:

  • Specify the reason of the break

    • Merged a branch with broken tests
    • Master was not merged in a branch
    • Merged broken slow tests without knowing that
    • Underlying data changed
  • Issue column:

  • Provide the link to the ZH issue with the break description

  • Solution column:

  • Provide the solution description of the problem
    • Problem that led to the break was solved
    • Failing tests were disabled, i.e. problem was not solved